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If Your Agency Colleagues Were On Bigg Boss

Updated: Feb 27

A pair of eyes peeks through white blinds, suggesting curiosity or secrecy. The background is bright, highlighting the blinds' texture.

Pehla din, 11:00 PM

There’s a designer sitting by the pool, the only place that’s lit up, and she’s working on another round of feedback from the client. Everyone else is fast asleep. The designer closes her eyes for a second, and a voice booms out, “Bigg Boss kehte hai ye creative kal jaana hai” She gets back to work. The watchman gives her his keys, asking if she could take care of the place while he goes to grab dinner outside.

Day 123123, Tuesday, 8:00 AM

*morning wake-up song plays, “Kyun paisa paisa karti hai, kyun paise pe tu marti hai ”*

The chomu writer that’s trying to get a good appraisal comes out dancing out of his bed and practices yoga stretches that allow him to type on the laptop faster. He shares an article about the benefits of yoga for work on the Whatsapp work group, and skips happily down to the workspace in five minutes. None of the client servicing guys have come yet but he’s writing his own brief to complete that morning. He’s seeing if he can cook breakfast for his team lead who he not-so-secretly has a crush on.

Everyone else stumbles out of bed, groggy eyed.

Tuesday, 10:00 AM

A writer and a designer fight over their share of coffee at the table. “You have it with so much milk anyway, why bother drinking coffee? I’ll give you milk powder directly”. “You writers - you are 2 rupees people!” says the designer. Meanwhile another designer comes in between trying to calm them down, telling them to go vegan. The two office love birds are having breakfast by themselves in the middle of this argument, oblivious to everything.

Tuesday, 11.00 AM

A client servicing person comes in with a new task. “Guys we have a new challenge. I believe in all of you, and I’m always here for whatever help you need. Let’s kill this one!”

She reads out, “Meet your daily targets!”, and as everyone looks in confusion, a bunch of targets drop down with excel sheets printed on them. They start throwing darts, and a writer “accidentally” flings a dart on a business development guy.

Tuesday, 12.30 PM

A junior copywriter runs inside the task area as the task is going on. She apologises to the camera, breaking into tears - “Sorry guys I overslept, and my grandmother’s granddaughter had an emergency. Plus, my cat was refusing to eat.” She has a shouting match with a senior client servicing person who says she should have come in earlier because by now their favourite kulcha place had closed for orders. Meanwhile, an intern runs around getting advice from everyone about how to do the junior copywriter’s work.

Fans on Twitter tweet in support of the copywriter and client servicing guy:-

“I can swear on my reading skills, that junior copywriter had a real problem. Treat copywriters better #WeRespectWriters - Shivam (@2states_is_awesome)

“Stop taking advantage. We are behind you client servicing guy #ClientServicingGuyArmy” - Preeti (@preetibelieves) 

Tuesday, 3 PM

Everyone gets together in the main room to find out who’s won the employee of the month award. After the votes are counted, it’s revealed that one of the junior designers won. The middle-management is chilling by the corner, because no one expected votes for them anyway. The designer gives a heart-rendering speech and everyone starts crying. Later, the junior designer is accused of stealing stationery from the office. #EmployeeAwardVapasKaro starts trending on Twitter.

Tuesday, 7 pm

After a serious discussion, the junior copywriter is called to the confession room. Bigg Boss announces that she will be eliminated, and asks her to pack up her things. As she’s on her way out, one of the client servicing guys says “Hey you’re free no? We have another brief”.

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