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Behind Every Successful Content Marketing Strategy, There’s AI

Imagine this — you start searching for something you want to buy online. Then, you decide to give up before you find it because you are sure you will get different and possibly better options through ads in your social media feed. If this scenario sounds familiar, you are already witnessing the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) in content marketing. In fact, AI is an analytic tool being applied at almost every stage of the customer lifecycle.

Stage 1: Reach

Identifying keyword search intent would go a long way in offering content that matches users’ intentions. AI-based tools can spot patterns in user behaviour to create content for specific audiences based on their search patterns.

Stage 2: Act

Personalised content is popular today because it is an effective way to drive conversions and influence how users perceive a brand. AI tools can help you automate content marketing to cater to consumer preferences and manage a desired frequency of communication.

Stage 3: Re-target

Have you ever purchased shoes online and suddenly found your feed peppered with ads about socks? You can be sure this is not magic. AI offers predictive analysis which uses data mining and statistics to identify future audiences and their responses.

Stage 4: Engage

It can be tough to engage with your audience regularly. Blogs and e-mailers are good examples of engaging content that will keep your brand relevant to users. AI can help you find topics that are trending, relevant and interesting to your audience. In fact, we might have used AI-based analysis to come up with this topic about AI in content marketing too!

It’s time to stop being surprised by how pervasive AI is in content marketing and the content we consume. The next step is to identify how to use AI effectively and responsibly to improve consumer experience instead of bombarding them and turning them away.

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